Hello Friends!
This is Jake Minkoff, the new Velocity Administrative Assistant and Manager for Children United by Experience. I'm really excited to be working in this capacity for Gregangelo, Jeffrey, and the Velocity Family. I am also a performer for Velocity Circus, and a member of our premier performing group, V-Troupe. Our small nine member troupe has been training since November and performing at various venues. The following is a excerpt from our latest Velocity Newsletter about our recent March 8th gig in Cincinnati.
A Very Blustery Day in Cincinnati
by Jake Minkoff
V-Troupe's first out of state gig ends up in a blizzard of...snow!
In the week leading up to our March 8th gig to perform at a benefit for Mercy Hospitals in Cincinnati, Ohio the entire V-troupe was very excited. It was to be our first gig out of state, and we were filled with anticipation for the performance and the experience. In our final Oakland rehearsal, however, the positive emotional energy was joined by some jolting physical energy when two of our troupe members injured themselves within one hour of each other!
Undaunted, the troupe had to leave their injured friends behind, after taking good care of them of course, because the show must go on! The troupe arrived in Cincinnati, greeted with mild weather and a city to entertain. After final rehearsals and meeting our replacement troupe mate flown in from Minneapolis, we were ready to perform. That's when the blizzard struck. Waking up Saturday morning, the troupe found that with a record snowfall of seven inches in one day and advisories telling residents not leave their homes and Cincinnati closed down there was a good chance there wouldn't be an event to perform at. Apparently, it was the snow that must go on!
As it turned out, with nobody to attend the charity event and thus nobody to perform for, we were not able to put on the show we had been brought there to do. Nevertheless, we cheerfully gave the disappointed clients a taste of our show, along with a fun costume parade and some antics from our clowns. Gregangelo arranged a physical comedy/character workshop with Diane Wasnak for the troupe and Our client Julie jumped in and we had a grand ole time learning how to create fun! So, delicious dilemmonade was made from a week filled with dilemmas!