Welcome to Velocity Circus' Blog, we created this blog to interact and share the remarkable and fascinating stories of our cast and journey in creating and bringing 1906~ A Journey Through the Mythical City to stage. In this beautiful production we bring 18 artists from different disciplines and from around the world to share the stage in celebration of the spirit of San Francisco from the 1906 Earthquake and Fire, through today and into the future.
We begin this blog with the recent press around the show. We have been very fortunate to have great coverage and support from numerous media channels including The Marin independent Journal, Contra Costa Times, ABC Channel 7, The Bay Times, Where Magazine, ArtsExtra, and numerous other media outlets.
Please visit the show website to see video and a gallery of images from the show. The website will be updated frequently and the blog will become a daily journal with different voices of the cast, coming in to share their stories.
Here are 2 of our favorite quotes from the recent press, Pat Craig and Laurie Bushman both critics reviewed the show, they had the vision and clarity to see the heart of what the show is about, and we note their suggestions as we continue to develop the show.
'1906' a mythical journey indeed
By Pat Craig
For those who view San Francisco as the world's fifth or sixth great religion -- which would include those people born there before the Summer of Love, as well as most contemporary tourists -- "1906 ... A Journey Through the Mythical City" is a wonderfully sweet, joyfully enthusiastic tribute to darned near everybody's favorite city.
A Journey Through The Mythical City
By Laurie BushmanPublished: June 29, 2006
What sets 1906 apart from most tourist fare is the sincerity of its vision. It feels like the people responsible for this show actually love this city and are trying to share the essence of what makes SF special.
And our least favorite because it fails to see the heart and artistry in the show, is from Robert Hurwitt of the San Francisco Chronicle- If you have not read this one or have, enough said...
And a heartfelt thank you from an audience member-Takashi Thomas Tanemori
Gregangelo & Jeffrey Ferns:
I am a friend of Lorna Zilba. As you have known her, she is an extraordinary human being who has the heart as big as Pacific Ocean as high as heaven. I have been so blessed by knowing her, knowing her is truly treasure indeed!
I was invited by her to enjoy myself as I was entertained with such performance by your artists, on June 23, 2006; some of their detailed and meticulous choreography were beyond my imaginations that I was taken back and back into the history of San Francisco and many times I was mesmerized in such that I have forgotten that I was there alone with my guide dog, at my feet.
As I returned home knowing this was the first time (how long???) that I have ever entertained myself with such luxury of beauty and elegance!, but my heart filled with gratitude for your staff at the window (will-call ticket window). There was a young man and young lady, who immediately assessed my needs since I was alone with my own guide dog, without a sighted-friend to accompany with me. There were so concerned, not only I will have the best seat in the house (right front of the main stage area), but their heartfelt concern for the safety of my partier, Yuki (my guide dog) was overwhelming that brought tears to my eyes.
When I am encountered with such gifted staff of yours at first sight and these two have discussed with each other and then, could you ever think that she practically has taken my hand and led me to the seat, as she has explained to me what will be taking place during the performance. Once again, she made sure that my dog was comfortable and safe, as I was to enjoy the afternoon.
I take my hat off to your staff; as we say in Japanese, the water never runs higher than the source. I think the secret is nothing but by your exemplified leadership. This is so obvious to me, as Lorna has told me that your generosity that provided me with complimentary tickets for the concert.
Dear Takashi,
You words fell like soothing rain on scorched earth and your writings are well placed on this day. I believe only the creator's hand could take reward for moving you into our world at this moment. Thank you for the blessing and for reminding us what it is all about, and what and why we must remember the heart when we take the stage. We also look forward to the release of your book "Bridge to Forgiveness" recounting your personal journey, path and experiences since the bombing of Hiroshima. sincerely, jeffrey & Gregangelo
Takashi Tanemori Profile from "Bridge to Forgiveness"
My journey, chronicled in the forthcoming book "Bridge to Forgiveness" has been long, difficult, and inextricably linked to the seeming opposites of hatred and love. In my path from Hiroshima, conflicts have shaped and redirected me, today allowing me to express my love and gratitude for two countries that both wounded and nurtured me.
The result of these tribulations has been the greatest gift: a solution to human conflicts, a rite of passage created through forgiveness. My life story demonstrates how a heart twisted by hatred and revenge can be transformed by forgiveness, evolving to a path of peaceful wisdom and the essential work of healing human hearts.
My life-mission and goals are rooted in my Father's teaching, "Live your life for the benefit of others. Then, we will all benefit." I believe this universal principle is the key to living peacefully with each other.
Even though I am now almost completely blind due to the late embers of the naked sky of Hiroshima, when I first saw with the "vision of the heart", I finally understand I am at last, truly able truly see. When I had an epiphany two decades ago, I was convinced that forgiveness is the first step toward peace, as it defines our relationship with the Divine Creator and sustains all human relationships. No matter what, you can choose to forgive. We all face this challenge in our in my daily lives.
As a survivor of Hiroshima, my firm belief is in a clear and simple message - - we can settle individual human conflicts and differences of national enmity, ethnic hatred, cultural divisiveness without resorting to violence or war. There need not be any endless cycle of revenge.
When we are able to conquer the raging war in our own hearts, one-by-one, what Japanese people call: kokoro no yasuragi yutori . This inner-transformation is much more powerful than any atomic weapon in shifting the world toward peace. I believe that inner-transformation can make nuclear weapons and war fall by the wayside!
We can create our lives by
Transforming our experience
Into something new,
Like a butterfly soaring freely
In the splendor.
In future blogs we will explore the different cultures from our show and the fascinating behind the scenes of 1906 including a Native American blessing ceremony that happens before each show, A young Mongolian contortionist's experiences in the show and here in the United States, experiences from our 2 young pre-teen aerialists that are being mentored by the cast, our work in the community via our non-profit www.cuekids.org and our exciting upcoming guests from Prescott Circus who we will partner with in programming throughout the year. Prescott's goals are: To provide a culturally conscious educational program promoting leadership, performing arts education, skill training, academic progress, and life experience opportunities for youngsters in a context that allows them to fully explore their talents and enriches self-esteem.
We encourage you to participate in the blog by posting comments or giving us suggestions on what you would like to hear more about.
We want to thank everyone who has e-mailed, phoned and sent letters supporting us and the show!
photo by Scott Norlund
Dear Greg and jeffrey,i just saw the blog,and this is the reason why the whole cast belive in the show,we all give 100 per cent.I am so proud to belong to a classy outfit.Comming from New York from a theatrical family have let me to appriciate talent around me,i feel so lucky to belong to this wonderfull group of people,it helps me a lot to be doing something to the community,I look forward for the next day thanks to
You and Greg.comming to work to so many positive people.what a treat.
I love what i do and belive me we r doing the right thing.
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