My summer with Velocity Circus started on Monday 16th of July. A late start to a summer internship, but i had only arrived in San Francisco on the 10th and i thought a week would be a good length to get settled in.
My first taste of my work space was from the outside of the house. Two small sphinx sat at both sides of the steps. i walked up to the door where a watered budah sat next to me. i rang the door bell and was greeted by my two new bosses, Gregangelo and Jeffrey Ferns. Walking into the house, i was in sensory overload with all the rich colours and the ancient Egyptian/Persian feel of the room. I've never seen any room more alive and vibrant than each room in this house. Every room has been carefully thought of and has been taken care of. It's obvious just from walking in that house that the people who live here live and breathe what they do, and then transfer it to their walls.
It was a releif to know that i'd be working in an enviorment that's alive and i'd be around people that are passionate about that they do. My first task was to read the artists contract to understand what restrictions and obligations they have. i was sitting next to Hiromi Yoshida, a japanese film maker who handles Velocity's film and media department. just from sitting next to her i was able to see the process of cutting together some film (more plainly known as editing). The purpose of my first day was to understand the motions of how people work at Velocity Circus and how i'd be able to get caught in it too.
Looking forward to what Jeffrey has in store for me today
To be continued.......
By Tara Bayat
Labels: Circus, Gregangelo, Tara Bayat, Velocity, Vibrant
it has been quite a pleasure working with you these past 2 days. It is evident that you passion for learning has been enriched by all the experiences you have been exposed to in your life. I am looking forward to seeing your own film project you will be completing by the end of the internship!
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