Hi! My name is Karen! A couple of weeks ago I started working as Velocity Circus' administrative assistant.I'm starting to post on this blog each day to record my experiences with Velocity.
Today I spent most of my time organizing information for a grant proposal for C.U.E. space, the nonprofit extension of Velocity Circus. The award money (if we get it) will help us buy equipment for our rehearsal space.
The phone has been ringing all day, as usual! Steven Katz from "Because We Care", an organization producing a film about heroes of the great civil liberties and social justice movements over the last century, has been working with us to design a circus event for his company. Anne Fox wants Jeffrey Ferns (my supervisor) to act as a spokesperson for Velocity's Fashion Department on a television special.We had a brilliant and insightful young guest named Ian today. Gregangelo gave Ian a tour of the household, which is a work of art unto itself. This house is available for tours and is a hotspot for clients and artists of all kinds, and mosaic artists. It represents all of Gregangelo's (he is the artistic director) and Velocity's influences and the full scope of his vast artistic vision, which extends into all aspects of his life and the life of Velocity. These influences include Egyptian mythology and art, Circus Arts, a multitude of global cultural traditions, science, astrophysics, and the wondrous mysteries of our solar system.
What has really inspired me about CUE and Velocity is the compassion and humility of everyone who works here. The entire mission of CUE and its involvement with other social circus groups, the amazingly talented children who have been given a new shot at their lives through these organizations, amaze me. more later...
9/11/2007 5:20 PM PDT
Labels: About CUE
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